Linda Miller Retires After 40-Year Career with Luxco®

After more than 40 years serving as a Case Inspector and Porter at the Luxco® Bottling plant in Cleveland, Ohio, Linda Miller called it a career this December.
Initially hired in September 1983, Linda has seen many changes at the company, including new brands, new locations and new people. What hasn’t changed, however, is the “breadth of her kindness,” according to Bottling Manager Bill Bursley.
“Linda has a heart of solid gold,” said Bill. “Since announcing her retirement, every day I wondered what we would do without her. In addition to being unrivaled in her ability to apply case labels at high speed for hours on end, she’s kept the plant and offices clean, the coffee hot and the restrooms stocked. I know I speak for everyone at the Cleveland facility when I say we love Linda and wish her the absolute best as she begins a new chapter in life. We will miss her radiance, but she has definitely earned a long and relaxing retirement!”
Linda was recently recognized at a luncheon held in her honor. The catered event was attended by fellow employees, all of whom wished her well in her retirement.