Heather Jennings Honored for 25 Years of Service at Luxco®

This spring, Luxco® Production Scheduler and Export Coordinator Heather Jennings celebrated her 25th anniversary with the company. She was honored by fellow employees and received her 25th Anniversary Rolex at a catered luncheon at Luxco’s Maryville Center office.
Luxco Operations Manager Kristen Rickermann had this to say:
“Heather is the rock of our department. Through the years, there is nothing she hasn’t done for Corporate operations. She knows our business through and through. She’s a forward thinker and always has her teammates’ backs. I am so grateful for the dedicated worker and the kind human that she is.”
Heather – whose tenure predates the switch to the Luxco name – has seen many changes at the company, including new brands, new locations, and new people. What hasn’t changed, according to Heather, is the camaraderie shared among Luxco employees.
“Luxco has always maintained a family environment that makes the workplace feel like home,” said Heather. “I met my husband and many of my best friends at Luxco, and the relationships I have gained throughout the years make work more enjoyable.”