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April 2, 2014

Marketing Infusions with Steve Einig, CMO – Q1 2014

Last quarter I discussed Marketing’s core responsibility of brand plan development. In follow up to that topic, what exactly is brand building and how do we develop brands in today’s digital world?  The other day, I left home to go to work and realized I needed gas – fast! My route to work goes past many gas stations


This summer, consumers who enjoy the taste of our Original 26 proof formula will get a little something extra with their purchase – a chance to taste Salvador’s Top Shelf Margarita!

February 13, 2014

Saint Brendan’s Shot Glasses on ShopLuxco

Just in time for St. Pat’s day, you can purchase a case of 72 St. Brendan’s Shot Glasses for $74.95 on Place your order by Monday, Feb. 17th for delivery by Monday, March 10th.

February 11, 2014

It’s Back! Purple Passion Ready to Re-Launch

Introducing the re-launch of the original formula of Purple Passion! This revival will take the place of the current formula and packaging, and includes an improved, carbonated taste, enhanced packaging, and focused support to help you sell-in this new SKU.

January 8, 2014

Saint Brendan’s St. Pat’s Day Promotion

This year, Luxco Marketing is offering a program to help you sell-in more cases and increase off-premise placement. Program items include; fun branded items targeted for on-premise distribution and impactful case cards and shelf talkers for off-premise.

2014 Rebates Now Available to Order

The 2014 Spring/Summer rebates are now available for ordering on the new and allocated to each DM accordingly. You can access these via the “Shop By Product” link in the top navigation, and must be logged in to view.
